Graduate Student Government Senate Meeting – July 30, 2022

Date: July 302022 
Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm 
Location: 440 Egan / Zoom


1. Call to Order
2. Chair Address
3. Executive Board Addresses
4. GSG Structure
5. Flagship Projects
6. Leading the way


President Aditya Santosh opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. The senate meeting conducted by the 2022-2023 Executive Board was conducted during the summer to inform the members about the upcoming plans of the board and to invite feedback about what should be addressed in the coming year. Aditya began by sharing what Graduate Student Government is, the organization’s history, and his vision for the coming year. The executive board introduced themselves to the audience and Varun Phadke, Executive Vice president, presented GSG’s structure. Debpriya Das, VP of Finance, spoke at length about GSG’s flagship projects that are planned out for the coming year. The event was concluded by a closing address by the Executive Vice President and President where he mentioned a sustainability tip to the members and a session for accepting feedback from the participants about what they would like to see GSG do in the future or any concerns they might have.

1. Chair address

Aditya addressed the audience about the purpose of GSG and about its mission and vision. He mentioned how GSG is now focused on swiftly acting upon any concerns and opportunities that are pointed out by the graduate student community and also about his vision of integrating Sustainability into the organization’s activities.

2.  Officer Introductions

Each officer introduced themselves and talked briefly about their responsibilities on the board.

Executive Vice President: Varun Phadke

Vice President of Student Affairs: Kush Damani

Vice President of Academic Affairs: Jay Patel

Vice President of Financial Affairs: Debpriya Das 

Vice President of External Affairs: Phalesha Rawal 

Vice President of Marketing & Outreach: Vibin Roy 

Vice President of Programs & Operations: Mahalakshmi Rajkumar

Vice President of Technology: Ankit Jagtap

3. GSG Structure

Executive Vice President, Varun Phadke, introduced members to the organizational structure. The audience was encouraged to join the senate and reminded that the Senator Nomination forms would be released after the initial Senate meeting in Fall 2022. He also addressed the various benefits that graduate students would receive being associated with GSG as a member and senator.

4. Flagship Projects 

VP of Finance, Debpriya Das, shared a list of projects that the GSG would prioritize over the coming along with the project leads. Each project’s purpose and approach to solving the problem were briefed in her session. These projects were decided by the board after careful consideration to attend to the needs of graduate students and enhance GSG’s outreach. The list of projects and their project leads are:

1. Better Partnership with OGS – Kush, Aditya, Phalesha
2. Improve high-demand course offerings – Jay, Varun
3. Regional campus integration – Phalesha, Ankit
4. Advocate on-campus job opportunity expansion – Kush, Mahalakshmi
5. Greater Outreach and Awareness about GSG – Vibin, Mahalakshmi
6. Improving Senate structure for increased engagement – Aditya, Varun, Debpriya
7. Funding bylaw modification – Debpriya, Aditya
8. Improving IT systems – Ankit, Debpriya


The Senate meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm by President Aditya Santosh Gopal