The steps you need to follow to request Group Recognition are listed below:

Before you begin your application for a new organization, refer to the list of recognized student organizations on ( to make sure your plan for a new group does not already exist on campus!

Step 1: Apply on the Engage website

This is the first step for your group to receive official recognition. Applications are closed and would open in August 2022. Applications open up twice every year: July-August and December-January.


Log in using your Northeastern account and search for ‘New Student Organization Proposal Form’

Please note: Locate a full-time member of the University staff or faculty to serve as your advisor. If you need help with this, touch base with the CSI office.

Step 2: Preliminary Recognition

CSI would review your application and your group would receive preliminary recognition. CSI would request additional information in the form of supporting documentation.

Note: Preliminary recognition does not entitle you to any privilege available to a recognized group.

Step 3: Constitution

This is where your group would work with the Student Affairs committee on their constitution. You could think of ‘constitution’ as a set of guidelines that your group if recognized, would have to strictly abide by.

The Vice President of Student Affairs or a representative from the Student Affairs Committee would assist you with a sample constitution. However, please note with the new process, failing to put in efforts while drafting the constitution would be grounds for rejection of the application. Once your constitution is approved by the GSG, your group receives Tentative recognition.

Step 4: Trial period

Your group would then be monitored over the next couple of months to evaluate if you meet certain expectations. SABO would process temporary financial accounts. You would have access to limited funds during this period.

Step 5: Presentation

Your group would need to present in one of the senate meetings followed by a vote by all the active senators. GSG would recommend your group for permanent recognition if you obtain the majority vote from the senate.

Step 6: Official Recognition

CSI would then submit an official recognition letter to your group. You would now have access to all the privileges of an officially recognized graduate group.

For any and all other information, please reach out to Graduate Student Government VP for Student Affairs