Graduate Student Government Senate Meeting
January 30, 2018
2:00 pm -3:00 pm
Curry Student Center Rm 333

1. Signing up and survey

  • Senates sign-ins, lunch and quick survey.

2. Activity: Gather ideas to how GSG can better present the student body

  • Alex (President) Isha (Vice Pres, marketing) starts off with welcoming old members and new members to GSG Senate meeting.
  • Post-it Note Activity: Question asked is what are you passionate about changing on campus and what ideas would you like to see happen.

3. Unveil the new GSG logo

  • New logo is an effort to re-brand GSG to reach out to students and communities on campus.
  • Talked about creating an online platform to easily access various resources and getting Senates involved in generating a platform that can represent the different communities.

4. Activity Feedback Categories

  1. More Study Space
  2. Shuttle Services/ Redeye
  3. Career/Research Opportunities/ Networking

5. Officers talk about their Committee

  • Cristhy (Exe. VP): Student affairs highlighted on budget priority.
  • Upcoming Events: two movie nights (March), and an Indian event in the future. Specific dates will be notified later.
  • Amulya (Academic Affairs): emphasized on various committees senates can participate in and get involved in networking and GSG.
  • Nicholas (Finance and Liaison): Finance committee need help to finance the budget with the GSG. Liaison committee wants to achieve more diversity and cross functionality in the Senate, and get more people involved.
  • Isha: (Marketing and Outreach): manages the social media aspect of the GSG as well as the online website.

6. Questions addressed by Senates

  • Can Senates participate in more than one committee? Yes, it all depends on the individual’s time.
  • Can we use OrgSync platform and functionality to redesign the GSG website? We are currently working on re-designing the GSG website, we welcome all ideas and inputs.

7. Future Senate Meeting Plans

  • Plan speaker meetings
  • Leader of different graduate groups panel.


~Senate Meeting Adjourned~


Meeting Attendance

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