Below are various useful resources available to graduate students on our website. If there is anything else you need, please feel free to contact us!


We have a bunch of games that you can borrow. You need to bring your student ID during any of our office hours in order to borrow them. Our office hours are here. We have the following games on offer:

Ludo/Parcheesi/Ludi, Jenga, Cards Against Humanity (with first two expansions), Dominoes, Uno, Checkers, Playing Cards, Urban Dictionary, Scrabble, Twister, Monopoly, Taboo, Risk, Battle of the Sexes and Poker


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Helpful Links

Center for Student Involvement — How to gain recognition for graduate student groups Student Life at Northeastern — Official web site for Office of Student Affairs University Health and Counseling Center Off Campus Student Services On Campus Housing for Graduate Students Spiritual Life 207 Ell (617) 373-2728 Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution 202 Ell (617) 373-4390 TTY (800) 439-2370 Public Safety 100 Columbus Place (617) 373-2121 TTY (617) 373-3934 Emergency Only (617) 373-3333 Information Services 617-373-4357 (Service Desk)