Graduate Student Government Senate Meeting – January 29, 2022 

January 29, 2022
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm 
Zoom Recording:

Disclaimer: We apologize for any mistakes or omissions in these minutes – though they will be noted where possible, we must account for technical errors and glitches that may occur through digital meetings. If these cause an error of comprehension at any time, or if there is confusion about the contents of this meeting, please contact to voice your concerns.


  1. Roll Call
  2. Call to Order & Approval of Minutes
  3. Chair Address – Shakir Khalid
    1.  Introduction of Newly Elected VPAA
  4. Executive Board Addresses
  5. New Lines of Business:
    1. Calendar for Spring 2022
    2. Senator status requirements
    3. Committees for Spring 2022
  6. Senator Training & Education program Dates
  7. Open Discussion
  8. Adjournment
  9. Senator Networking


President Shakir Khalid opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. President Shakir announced the transition to virtual Senate meetings for the Spring 2022 term in consideration of the community’s health and well-being and then shared what the Graduate Student Government is, GSG’s work, and the history of the organization. President Shakir also introduced the structure of the organization and shared how the senate meets bi-weekly to discuss various issues and to vote on formal legislation that we present to Northeastern Administration. The Executive Board was introduced to the Senate, and each member individually introduced themselves to the Senate, sharing more about their roles and responsibilities. Thereafter, Executive Vice President, Devina, also shared the Senate meeting schedule for Spring 2022, upcoming events, Active Senator Status Requirements, Senator Training & Education Program dates, Standing Committees and Interim Committees. Senator had the opportunity to learn more about standing committees by joining breakout rooms with the Vice Presidents. Senate meeting was adjourned by President Shakir at 2:13 pm.

  1. GSG Introduction

After roll call, Executive Vice President, Devina Raithatha, called the meeting to order at 12:22 PM. President Shakir Khalid then discussed transitioning the Senate to Robert’s Rule of Orders, and the importance of minutes as the only surviving record of what was said and done during a meeting. Minutes are to be signed by the President and serve as the group’s legal record of its proceedings. The President’s signature establishes evidence of the original document’s authenticity. Minutes do not become official until they are read and approved by a formal vote by the members of the Senate. They should be read by the Executive Vice President at the following Senate meeting. President Shakir then shared an overview of the Graduate Student Government, a representative body for the graduate community at Northeastern University and the Graduate Senate, a forum for the communication of graduate students’ concerns and needs. The Senate promotes the enhancement of graduate student life. GSG is organized in a capacity similar to the United States Congress—with an overarching Graduate Student Senate and several different committees and boards. There are 9 executive board members that have been elected by the graduate student body population as outlined in the GSG election procedures. The Executive Board brings proposals and suggestions before the Senate and serves as the liaison with the University administration on behalf of the GSG. Executive Vice President, Devina Raithatha shared procedures including Roberts Rules of Order & Parliamentary Procedure and establishing the Senate meetings as discussion-based meetings.

  1. Chair Address

President: Shakir Khalid, 

President Shakir Khalid provided an update on projects that were started and discussed during the Fall 2021 term including forming an interim Constitutional Review Committee, and the process of the constitutional review. Shakir Khalid announced the election of Vice President of Academic Affairs, Aditya Santosh Gopal, on January 20, 2022.

  1. Executive Board Addresses

Each officer introduced himself/herself, provided an overview of their role at GSG, their constitutional duties, and welcomed students to join committees. 

Executive Vice President: Devina Raithatha, 

Vice President of Student Affairs: Rhea Sharma (Student Affairs Committee), 

Vice President of Financial Affairs: Chinmayi Shaligram (Financial Affairs Committee), 

Vice President of Academic Affairs: Aditya Santosh Gopal (Academic Affairs Committee), 

Vice President of Programs & Operations: Arundhati Jha (Programs & Operations Committee), 

Vice President of Marketing & Outreach: Fatima Dadou (Marketing & Outreach Committee), 

Vice President of External Affairs: Phalesha Rawal (External Affairs Committee),  

Vice President of Technology: Keerthi Bhavani Gosika (Technology Committee),  

The link to connect with the current GSG Executive Team is the following: 

  1. Spring 2022 Senate Meeting Schedule:

Saturday, January 29, 2022 | 12-2pm

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 | 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm

Saturday, February 26, 2022 | 12-2pm

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 | 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm

Saturday, March 26, 2022 | 12-2pm

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 | 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm

Saturday, April 23, 2022 | 12-2pm

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 | TBD

  1. Spring Programming Calendar

Executive Vice President, Devina Raithatha, provided an overview of events planned for the Spring 2022 term.

  • Spring Welcome Event
    • Saturday, February 12, 2022 | 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
  • Other planned events include Merch Giveaway, Earth Day Celebrations, On-Campus Job Panel, Black History Month Celebration and Spring Annual Elections
  1. New Lines of Business

Executive Vice President, Devina Raithatha shared the requirements for maintain Active Senator Status which includes attending all senate meetings and serving on a standing committee. A senator will lose their active status if the senator accumulates more than 4 non-consecutive unexcused absences during the Spring 2022 term. A senator is required to complete the Senator Absence Form stating the reason for their anticipated absence 24-48 hours in advance of a Senate meeting. Executive Vice President, Devina Raithatha described the GSG standing committees and roles & requirements to be a part of each committee as well as the following interim committees:  Constitutional Review Committee chaired by Shakir Khalid, Strategic Planning Committee chaired by Devina Raithatha, Budget & Priorities chaired by Shakir Khalid & Devina Raithatha, Regional Campus Expansion chaired by Phalesha Rawal & Devina Raithatha. Senator Training & Education Program Webinar Dates are as follows: Feb 2, 5:00-6:00pm & Feb 5, 11:00-12:00pm. All active senators are mandated to attend 1 webinar to learn more about their roles and responsibilities, Senate expectations, and parliamentary procedures.

  1. Committees/Committee Breakout

The attendees had the choice to break out into the respective standing committees to learn more about each with the Vice Presidents: Student Affairs Committee, Academic Affairs, Finance Committee, Programs and Operations Committee, Marketing and Outreach Committee, External Affairs, and Technology. 

  1. Questions

President Shakir Khalid and Executive Vice President Devina Raithatha opened the floor for discussion and answered questions from attendees.   

GSG Social Media: 






The Senate meeting was adjourned at 2:13 PM by President Shakir Khalid.