October 16, 2021 
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm 
Zoom Recording:


  1. Roll Call and Call to Order
  2. Chair Address Shakir Khalid and Election Procedures
  3. Nominee Pitches
  4. Question & Answer for Nominees
  5. Election Results
  6. Adjournment & Next Senate Meeting


Executive Vice President Shakir Khalid opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

Shakir delineated about the senate meeting and the reach of GSG.

1. Roll Call and Call to Order

Devina takes down the roll call for senators and also the roll call for nominations.

2. Chair Address Shakir Khalid and Election Procedures

Shakir outlines the election procedure and why it is s not a campus wide election and mentions the details about the requirements of the pitch, the voting procedures and how it is facilitated. He emphasizes that Active senators are the only senators who will be able to exercise their right to vote.

3. Nominee Pitches

Contestants starts their presentations and speeches: Anna Adebambo goes first, followed by Devina and Saad Ghojaria. All the candidates give their pitches for about 2 mins.

4. Question and Answer for Nominees

Shakir thanks the contestants and begins the QnA session.

QnA session began by calling the contestants to the podium

Senator Akash comes to podium to ask questions related to future plans with respect to events, engagement

Anna answers how she will actively try to help issues faced by new northeastern students.

Devina Answers by sharing her experiences at Khoury helped her in building contacts and her passion about NEU being a double husky. She further speaks about how she is ready to leverage the existing channels between the students and the administration to increase the outreach.

Saad goes third, answers by talking about job employment and coop events and also his plans to bridge the information gaps by engagement.

Senator Varun asks about the stance on representing the minority community

All three contestants answered how they will represent the community in their best capacity.

Aamiruddin Syed asks a questions on the budget for professional certification

Saad answers the question by talking about his experience as a developer and an IS grad and how they will be helpful in bringing more professional certifications. Devina goes next and speaks about how she will try to facilitate to get the same level opportunities for grad as there are for undergrad.

Three more questions

Kaushik asks question on Roberts rules

Shakir explains Roberts rules

Devina answers

Anna answers

Road map for on campus employment and reduce gap between GSG and students

Shakir addresses the senators to refrain from asking pointed and specific questions especially in regards to Finance and encourages to ask them more generic and broader questions  in context to EVP role and responsibilities.

Aditya asks question

E-board asks three questions

Rhea Sharma VP of Student Affairs asks – how to foster relations in the regional campuses.

5. Election Results

Election results are announced by Theresa from CSI

Devina wins and thanks the senate for putting their trusts in her.

6. Adjournment & Next Senate Meeting

Attendance QR code is displayed for senators to mark attendance.

The Senate meeting was adjourned at 2:33pm by President Shakir Khalid