Graduate Student Government Senate Meeting – March 24, 2021

March 24, 2021
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Zoom Recording:


  1. Introduction
  2. Guest Speaker – Naomi Boase – Assistant Director, CIE
  3. Guest Speaker – Elizaveta Butsenevskaya – NU Alumni, Product Designer, PTC inc.
  4. Event Polls and Feedback
  5. NU CAP Outreach – Environmental Justice Climate Equity – Yasmina Estepe & Aubrey Thomas
  6. Questions and Answers



1. Introduction

Executive Vice President Divya Subbaian opened the meeting by introducing the speakers and going through the agenda for the session.

2. Center for Intercultural Engagement (CIE)

Naomi Boase, Assistant Director of Center for intercultural engagement gave a background about herself and what the center does and what it offers to the Graduate Student body. CIE focuses on diminishing intercultural differences and nurture a community of inclusion. It is located at 144 Curry center and the Social Justice Research Center SJRC is also another physical space where students can reserve affinity spaces to engage and experience the cultural life at Northeastern.

The collective objective of these organizations along with several other student affinity clubs associated with them is to foster inclusion and promote opportunities for intersectional identity development.

Some of the programs are i) Re-envisioning our world: Me and White Supremacy ii) A time of impeachment & insurrection iii) Libre Collective Spring 2021 iv) Empower   v) Global Leadership Program vi) Our Voices vii) The FUNL Network

These are series of workshops, events and training programs that revolve around different themes of intercultural differences for each of the ethnic identity groups that are a part of Northeastern.

3. Resume Writing – Elizaveta Butsenevskaya (NU Alumni, Product Designer)

Elizaveta, an international student with experience gives a brief background about herself and about her passion project which is to help international students understand the whole job search process and challenges that they face.

She talks about how to pass the ATS scan and get your Resume to be read by a recruiter. The key takeaways are:

i) 75% job applications are rejected before they are read by a human due to the usage of applications tracking systems by companies to streamline the hiring process.

ii) Tweaking the job role based on the job description gets extra points by the ATS system.

iii) The technical terminology for the hard skills should be an exact match with those required in the job description.

Iv) ATS would be unable to scan through fancy resumes with creative edits and hence would not pass the resume to the recruiter.

v) Creative resumes can be used when the resume is directly being sent to the recruiter or being printed out at the time of the job interview.

vi) ATS works better with the Word format as compared to PDF. 

4. Upcoming Events and Feedback/Polls:

Divya Subbaian abd Gagan Prabhu gives an update about the upcoming Events for the following weeks which are the i) GSG Merchandise Giveaway ii) Virtual Escape Room iii) Movie Night. Zoom Polls and feedback sessions were conducted to see which date students would prefer for the virtual escape room and movie night. She talks about the various committees that are a part of the Graduate student government while also answering questions about the roles and duties of these committees.

5. Environmental Justice Climate Equity

Yasmina Estepe and Aubrey Thomas talk about the NU CAP which is a student led organization which focuses on creating the climate action plan for a sustainable environment with a focus on inclusion, diversity and equity. They brainstormed ideas along with students on possible ways to have a greater outreach and student engagement. They also went over some of the projects that they are currently taking up and along with their efforts for a more sustainable future. Some of the great ideas included holding a competition between different departments and organizations with the goal to achieve sustainability in any of their day-to-day operations. Another great recommendation was to utilize social media influencers of various departments to act as mediators to connect and work together for a better outreach.

 6. Question and Answer

The next Senate meeting is scheduled for April 10th, 2021, 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. (EST) in #333 Curry Student Center and through Zoom.

All Attendees would be receiving gift cards from grub hub.


The Senate meeting was adjourned at 2:00p.m. by President Gagan Dep Prabhu.


Meeting Attendance

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