Graduate Student Government Senate Meeting – February 24, 2021
February 24, 2021
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Zoom Recording:
- Introduction
- Student Group Approval 1
- Student Group Approval 2
- Birds of a Feather Event
- Questions
1. Introduction
Executive Vice President Divya Subbaian opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. It was the third spring meeting that was conducted on-ground and via Zoom.
2. Student Group Approval 1
Ryan McGlynn, President of Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Student Association, Bouvé College of Health Sciences presented for approval before GSG. Their objective is to strengthen graduate program community in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, promote its sustainability and provide career, and networking opportunities to students in the department. The faculty adviser is Dr. Booth, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and the administrative sponsor is Dr. Janero, Head of the Graduate Committee. The group has held program town halls (Summer 2020, Fall 2020), elected graduate student liaison (Spring 2020), constructed Welcome social for new PhD students (Fall 2020) and held Q&A for prospective students (Spring 2021) amongst others. Their future endeavors include talk by the Head of medical writing at Merk (Spring 2021), talk by a scientist from Pfizer (Summer 2021) and opening the group to masters students as well. This was followed by Q&A.
Voting by the Senate
Result: Approved
3. Student Group Approval 2
The Latin American Law Student Association, School of Law was represented by their Treasurer Anna Daniels. Their purpose is to provide a safe space to bring, build and share Latinx culture and experiences to NUSL and beyond. Their co-chairs are Jeffrey Toomey (Summer, Winter) and Antonio Coronado (Fall, Spring). Their faculty advisor is Prof. Ramirez, Faculty advisor. Their yearly academic-networking activities included Super Saturday, Moot Court, Q&A on Co-op, and their cultural-social activities included Dia de los Muertos, Cafecitos, 3L Goodbye and Familias Mixer. The organization has held OCI Decoded with a renowned Law firm in Boston and has continued to conduct virtual Co-op events during the lockdown period as well. This was followed by Q&A.
Voting by the Senate
Result: Approved
4. Birds of a Feather – Networking/Social Event
Shakir Khalid, the VP of Programs and Operations introduced the event, explaining the overview and guidelines. Some of the topics given for discussion were Imposter Syndrome, Time management, Isolation due to COVID, Fighting Procrastination and Transition from UG to PG. Students were assigned to breakout rooms where they continued to share their inputs and experiences, sharing and networking with the peers. Later, one member from each time presented the highlights from their discussion groups.
5. Questions
President Gagan Dep Prabhu introduced himself to the GSG members. He provided insight about a previous Redeye issue, informing about its progress. He shared information about the accomplishments of the organization, including student group funding, research projects grant support, and advisement for graduate students among other achievements. His email address is
The next Senate meeting is scheduled for March 13th, 2021 from 12:00p.m.-2:00p.m. (EST) on Zoom.
The Senate meeting was adjourned at 2:06p.m. by President Gagan Dep Prabhu.
Meeting Attendance
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